Maryland Wood Siding Services

In Maryland, you’ll see many traditional homes with wood siding. It remains the top siding choice among homeowners who wish to keep the siding of their homes in line with their architecture and provides numerous benefits. Maryland wood siding offers homeowners many different options. Before you re-paint the exterior or your home or change the siding, it is a great idea to see if wood siding would be right for you.

Why Choose Wood Siding in Maryland?

Maryland wood siding is often chosen due to the variety of materials that can be used and the overall durability of this product. With proper maintenance, wood siding can last much longer than vinyl siding. It can also be painted any color, which gives homeowners more options than standard vinyl siding which comes pre-colored.

Types of Wood Siding Available in Maryland

When you’re shopping for Montgomery County wood siding, you’ll have several different options available. The type of wood you choose will often dictate the overall durability of your siding. Some of the most common choices include;
Pine – White, Jack or Red.

If you are looking for a traditional look, pine siding is often the most economical choice. It’s lighter color makes it ideal for homeowners who want their homes painted a light color.

  • Western Red Cedar – While this wood is more costly, it is the longest lasting wood siding available. You can paint it or stain it to retain that rich wood look.

  • Douglas Fir – This is a great middle-of-the-road choice that includes durability with a nice smooth finish for a traditional look.

You can also choose between different styles of Maryland wood siding that include:

  • Cove Lap – the oldest and most traditional design that features a decorative groove at the top of every board.

  • Channel Rustic Lap Siding – a smooth finished siding without cracks or splits.

  • Bevel Siding – the most common choice with cedar siding, with a simple but beautiful appearance.


While wood siding is very durable, it must be properly maintained. Regularly power-washing the exterior will help remove any dirt or potential mold and mildew. A mild soap can be used if necessary, but typically, plain water will do the trick. Maryland wood siding will also need to be repainted every few years, depending on how harsh the elements are. With some high quality exterior house paint, it may not be necessary to repaint often. Care should also be taken to regularly inspect the wood siding to ensure that rot or insect infestations are not present.