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3 Reasons For A Chimney Cap Installation

Nov 4, 2016 2:00:00 PM

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More than just the aesthetic value of chimneys with their neat masonry and a wholesome all-American home look and feel for your home, they are also a fundamental functional structure.

Chimneys help eliminate smoke and harmful gasses that would have otherwise leak into your home. But just like any essential part of your home, chimneys have to be protected as well to ensure they remain functional and in great shape for a long time.

The scoop on chimney caps

Albeit chimney caps are not exactly a requirement for chimneys, professional roofers like yours truly will tell you that having them installed is highly recommended. Here are some of the most important reasons why:

  1. Preventing water from damaging the chimney lining

    Generally, water is just not your home’s best friend whether it be interior or exterior. Water can easily and rapidly damage the integrity of your chimney by deteriorating your chimney lining. Installing a chimney cap will prevent the water from entering, thus extending the life of your beautiful and functional chimney.
  2. Preventing birds and other animals from entering

    It’s not uncommon for animals, especially birds, rodents, and squirrels to enter your home from the chimney,and it’s not their fault exactly. If left unblocked and unprotected from intrusion, your chimney will be host to birds and their nests and all of your furry friends wandering on the rooftop.

    In some cases, animals that get stuck in your chimney and can’t find a way to exit from either end can die in there and rot. This causes an unwanted stench and an eventual infestation of insects as the poor trapped animal decomposes in your chimney.
  3. Preventing debris from falling in

    Same with the animals easily going into your chimney, if left unprotected and open, your chimney will be vulnerable to debris. Those with overarching larger trees or live near a fairly green and wooded area are perhaps the most at risk, but changes in weather and wind can also contribute to the build-up of debris inside your chimney.
    Moreover, trash that can be floating around may also find their way in your home through the chimney. It’s probably not something you would want — to virtually turn your chimney into your neighborhood trash can as the debris accumulates.
    Installing a chimney cap will help keep the debris at bay, saving you from the hassle of having to clear out your chimney of random wind-blown materials.

Bonus reason

So now you know what you can keep out of your chimney with a chimney cap, but do you know what you can keep in? Chimney caps can help keep big sparks that make their way up your flue as you light a cozy fire in your home. These sparks can be hot enough to ignite a fire on whatever they and on be it a patch of grass or leaves you have raked from your yard. In some cases, these sparks have even caused a significant brush fire. You can avoid this by simply putting a cap on your chimney.

If you ask us and other experts, placing a cap on your chimney is definitely worth it. Hope you found this post helpful. Stay tuned for more of our home improvement articles!

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