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Home Pest Prevention Checklist

Nov 16, 2017 5:19:00 PM

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As temperatures drop, bugs and rodents will be looking for a cozy place to stay. Without a thorough inspection, your home may offer convenient entrances and hiding spots for these unwanted guests. 

Here are a few things to look for when pest-proofing your home for the fall and winter.

Clean Regularly


Regular cleaning goes a long way in the war against pests. Dispose of food and drink in sealed garbage bags, and take out the trash regularly. Store away leftovers in sealed bags or containers in the fridge or freezer. Never leave food or drink sitting out, as the scent can attract ants, roaches, and other critters. Clean countertops and vacuum floors to remove stray food scraps and dust mites, which can serve as food for larger bugs.

De-Clutter Your Home

A cluttered home is a giant welcome sign for pests. By developing smart everyday habits, you can keep your home clear of pest shelters. Start by disposing of or storing away used boxes, which can invite rodents and spiders. Avoid leaving bags and other personal belongings on the floor, especially near corners. Old newspaper, books, or cloth sitting around can serve as both food and shelter for a variety of pests, so take care to remove them.

Tidy Up Your Yard

Long grass, weeds, standing water, and piles of branches and leaves are all pest paradises. Regular yard maintenance minimizes the chances of pests seeking refuge in your yard and potentially inside your home. Trim branches and shrubbery around the perimeter of your home, and consider replacing mulch around your home with stone or rock cover.

Maintain Your Drains

Gunky or clogged kitchen and bathroom drains provide perfect conditions for small insects to breed, especially flies and mosquitoes. Inspect and clean your drains regularly to avoid creating damp domiciles for these unwanted guests.

Replace Lights Near Doors and Windows


Bright mercury vapor lights attract flies, moths, mosquitoes, stink bugs, and other winged pests that may slip into your home at any opportunity. One solution is to use high-pressure sodium vapor or halogen lights with warm tints. Alternatively, you can position your lights away from doors and windows using small walkway lights or pole lights.

Seal Off Cracks and Gaps

Small cracks in the foundation, damaged window screens and weather stripping, and small gaps between windows and doors are all potential entry points for pests. Do a walkthrough of your property to identify these breaches and repair them as necessary. Caulk cracked bathroom or kitchen fixtures, and use steel wool, sheet metal, or mortar to plug up outdoor gaps.

Contact the Professionals

Pests are crafty, and sometimes even the most thorough precautions can fall short of preventing their stay in your home. If you've done all you can and still encounter pests in your home, it may be time to call a professional pest control service to resolve the problem.