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9 New Year's Resolutions For The Homeowner

Dec 29, 2014 7:00:00 AM

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Most New Year’s resolutions are optimistic objectives related to weight loss, hitting the gym, quitting that bad habit, reading more Tolstoy.

This year, change it up a bit with something more realistic: treating your home well.

If you’ve been putting home maintenance off, take the opportunity to finally tackle that to-do list. Feeling overwhelmed by the possible resolutions you could choose?

Here are nine places to start.

1. Clean the Gutters

Especially in fall, when autumn’s bounty fills them quickly, failure to clean the gutters can lead to long-term problems for your house. When leaves clog them up, gutters spill over instead of routing water through drainpipes, staining and warping siding and rotting window and doorframes. Clean them out several times a year and avoid the hassle.

2. Check the Siding

This year, put a thorough siding check on your to-do list. Signs it needs replacement are warping, cracking, sagging, fading, peeling or rotting. If you have to repaint your siding more often than every 8 years, this could be a sign that you need to replace it with fresh materials. Inside the house, look for peeling paint or wallpaper and watch for higher heating and cooling costs.

3. Trim Trees and Shrubs

Although we don’t normally associate the colder months with gardening, winter is an excellent time to jump on pruning. For large trees, you’ll probably need the assistance of landscape professionals, who possess the necessary equipment and can help you make a plan for when to prune what. Some trees and shrubs like winter pruning, while for others you should wait until spring or summer. Jump on it for the sake of plant health and your home’s appearance.

4. Use the Fan

Although it’s sometimes difficult to remember to use the fan, make an effort. Steam causes mildew and rotting when trapped in the bathroom. Long winter cooking also produces lots of steam, which can fog up windows and get trapped in the edges of doors, also causing mildew. Flip the switch to prolong the life of your home.

5. Get Your Paint On

Although painting in winter means you’ll have to wait a little longer for everything to dry, it’s a great task to get done while you’re stuck indoors anyway. Wait until it’ a bit warmer to tape, or else it may just fall off of cold walls. Since the light isn’t as strong in winter, paint test swatches and observe them in several different types of weather and at different times of day to make sure the color still thrills you … you don’t want to get stuck with bright fuchsia year-round just because your seasonal affective disorder was acting up.

6. Clean Out Slow Drains

You know that sink that doesn’t drain well? The one you try not to use so you don’t have to think about it? That’s right, fix it. Whether the plumbing doesn’t work quite right or you have a particularly intractable hairball, fixing the sink ensures you won’t have a nastier problem on your hands later.

7. Fix That Leaky Roof

If you’ve been meaning to fix your leaky roof for years, get on it. A saggy roof that goes untreated can lead to other problems, like deterioration of structural supports, rotting insulation and the danger of electrical shock when wiring gets wet. This year, schedule a roof repair as soon as weather is dry and check it off your list.

8. Weather Strip Doors and Windows

If you’re worried about saving money on heating and cooling costs, weather stripping should be your go-to move. It blocks drafty cracks around doors and windows, meaning your heating and cooling systems can take it easier. This in turn reduces your energy bills.

9. Refinish Floors

Remember those reclaimed hardwood floors you were so excited about? Well, they’re yours now, and their finish is probably wearing off along with the excitement. Refinish floors every 10 years or so to keep wood beautiful and healthy. Plan on a three-day process for the standard three coats of polyurethane, and budget more time if you want to put a stain down first.

Home ownership isn’t always a delight, but tackling these resolutions will ensure that living in your house is delightful.

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