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Dec 23, 2016 12:51:44 PM

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Now that winter is officially upon us, nothing beats the heat and soothing crackling sound of a wood-burning fireplace. Just imagine how cozy it is to sit by the fire and enjoy a nice cup of tea or hot cocoa. While a wood-burning fireplace is mighty tempting to use to keep you and your family warm this winter, use it with caution. If improperly installed, operated, or poorly maintained over the year, fireplaces can pose a tremendous hazard to your home. 

To make sure you can enjoy the warmth of your wood-burning fireplace without worrying about the potentially looming danger of a house fire or other catastrophes, here are a few important tips you should definitely consider before lighting a fire.

  1. Unscreened Chimneys Can Lead To Fires

    Embers that fly up and out of your fireplace can land on bushes, trees, or other combustible materials outside your house and cause a fire. If you don’t already have a screen on your chimney, you should definitely look into adding one if you plan to use your fireplace.

  2. Soot build-up can cause fires, so clean your fireplace regularly.

    If you like to use your fireplace every now and then, it’s important to clear out creosote build-up. Fires can start in your chimney and easily engulf your home if you light a fireplace that has not been cleared of soot and other debris that may be present.

  3. Dampers are important for preventing fires and leaks.

    A fireplace damper is basically a small flap usually made out of ceramic and is located within the flue. It’s a mechanism that can be manually adjusted with a latch, a pull chain, or a handle to enable smoke to escape or air to enter. Since dampers are made from ceramic, they can withstand heat without incurring damage.
    They are essential for keeping your lighted fireplace from bellowing smoke into your house which can lead to breathing problems or even suffocation.
    Additionally, dampers are also useful even when your fireplace is not in use. It keeps cold air from seeping into your home.

  4. “Backdrafting” is a serious fire threat and it can happen in your fireplace

    When air or smoke created from the consumption of fire in your fireplace gets drawn back inside through the flues of your furnace or even your water heaters, it can draw highly toxic gasses such as carbon monoxide back into your home. This is called backdrafting.

    To make sure you are protected from this, it is essential to have a damper installed correctly in your fireplace as well as a functional smoke alarm that can detect carbon monoxide.

  5. Rumford style masonry makes the best kind of fireplaces in terms of safety and heating.

    Although there are many different kinds of modern-day masonry styles for fireplaces, the Rumford style masonry dating back from 18th Century British Court, remain better at removing smoke and heating up a home compared to other styles.

    If you’re looking to have your fireplace renovated or if you’re looking to install a chimney in Greater Washington, you can ask our team about our masonry services.
Well that’s all for this one friends! Have a warm an happy winter and make sure to light up those fires safely!