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Make Them Shine: 6 Cleaning Tips for Gorgeous Windows

Apr 16, 2018 12:00:00 PM

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Clean windows are more than just impressive to guests and neighbors. A clean window lets in more light, makes the exterior look newer and fresher, and prevents serious damage such as a pitted surface. Window cleaning doesn't have to be a difficult task or a chore that you dread. It's actually quite a quick and easy process once you invest in a few tools and learn the right techniques. Use these window cleaning tips to keep your windows sparkling like new.

1. Mix Up a DIY Cleaning Solution

There's no need for harsh ammonia-based cleaners and heavily perfumed disinfectants when cleaning windows. It's easy to get a streak-free shine just by combining equal parts of white household vinegar and hot water. You don't need any specific cleaning grade of vinegar just to get the dirt-loosening and sanitizing effects offered by this cleaning mix. The vinegar won't harm the glass or etch its surface, but it will remove any stubborn specks and dust that accumulates over time. For more stubborn stains, try this cleaner that utilizes the power of rubbing alcohol.

2. Switch to the Sponge and Squeegee

In terms of getting clearer glass, the technique you use to clean and dry the window plays a larger role than the product you use for cleaning. Rubbing the glass with anything, even newspaper or paper towels, results in streaks and spots. To get a clear shine with no leftover streaks or marks, spray your chosen cleaning agent on the glass, wipe the surface in broad strokes with a clean and damp sponge, then use a squeegee to wipe away the cleaning solution. You'll get perfectly clear windows with much less work, although you may need a special squeegee when using this method on windows and glass doors with small, hard-to-access panes.

3. Deep Clean the Screen

You can buff and polish the glass all day long and still be unsatisfied with the finished window if you leave the screens caked with dust and dirt. Gently remove your window screens from the frame and lay them outside on your lawn or driveway in the shade. Rinse them gently with a garden hose first, then use a soft bristle cleaning brush or large car washing sponge and dish soap to clean off any dirt. Rinse them again, let them dry in the shade to prevent fading and warping, and then reinstall them for a cleaner-looking window.

4. Tackle Tough Stains

While glass is generally a non-porous material, it still has some tiny imperfections that allow certain substances to stick. Removing very tough stains can damage the surface of the glass, leaving it foggy-looking even if you remove the offending spot or mark. Invest in a textured microfiber cloth or pad and try rubbing it with some dish soap on the toughest glass and window frame stains. Eraser sponge products also tend to lift off tough marks without damaging frames or glass panes.

5. Skip the Sunny Day

It's tempting to clean your windows on a bright and sunny day, especially in the spring after a long winter of looking at grimy windows. However, sunny days increase the chances of permanent water spots because direct sunlight and heat dry the cleaning solution on the glass too quickly. Work on your windows on a cool and overcast day instead so you don't have to rush to avoid damage or discoloration. It's fine to scrub your window screens on a hot day as long as you can work under the shade.

6. Avoid Abrasive Products

Finally, don't be tempted to grab a scrubbing or scouring cleanser to use on mold specks or water spots that just won't come off your windows. These products are abrasive and can scratch the surface of the glass. Once the glass is scratched, the only option is to remove the entire pane and replace it. This can often cost as much as a brand-new window. Some permanent marks and stains won't come out, so eventually you may need a new set of windows for a perfectly clean appearance. Upgrading to a different style with larger panes can also speed up the cleaning process over intricate window designs with many smaller individual panes.

When you decide it's time to stop scrubbing your older windows and invest in a new set, reach out to us here at Exterior Medics. We have all of the window styles you might want for a modern Virginia or Maryland home. We offer the best replacement windows Maryland has to offer, including all of the most reliable brands. Talk to one of our design experts to get help with choosing the right styles to match your home's current exterior and interior decor, or let us know exactly what you already have so we can match it.