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Winter Is Coming: 8 Home Exterior DIY Tasks to Prepare for the Changing Season

Sep 1, 2017 6:30:00 PM

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Winter is coming. And as the temperatures start dropping, the leaves start falling and the days become shorter, it's also the ideal time to prep your home for the cold-weather months ahead - especially when it comes to the exterior of your house.

Yes, there's the obvious things that you should be doing prior to the first snowfall, like cleaning out your gutters, winterizing your sprinklers, and shutting the water off and draining/opening up any exterior faucets. But there's also some DIY exterior maintenance that might not be so obvious. Here's a closer look:

Check Roof Flashing

Get up your roof and check for signs of deteriorated flashing around the chimney, vents and skylights. Administer roofing cement and/or caulk to seal areas of concern and prevent moisture intrusion.

Check Gutter Stability

Snow and ice have a tendency to be heavy, so in addition to ensuring that your gutters are clean, make sure they're also stable. Re-secure and fasten gutters and downspouts that are loose.

Apply Fertilizer

Many may find it odd to put down fertilizer prior to winter, but a good winterizing fertilizer can protect the lawn in the winter and help ensure grass comes back green and lush in the spring.

Caulk Around Windows and Doors


Drafts don't just make a home uncomfortable - they can increase your utility bill. Walk around the exterior of your home and re-caulk areas around doors or windows that are in need. Check and repair weather stripping, if necessary, as well.

Replace Window Screens and Screen Doors

Replace screens with storm windows and storm doors, when possible, to help prevent cold drafts from entering. This can significantly reduce heating costs and save screens from damage. 

Check Foundation Slope

The dirt grade should slope away from your home, not toward it. Correct if necessary to avoid water intrusion from melting snow. No body wants to have water entering the home and damaging the foundation, especially during the winter months. 

Preventative Landscaping


Trim tree branches, bushes and manage other yard plants prior to winter. Winter storms can potentially cause tree branches to come into contact with homes, scratching siding, windows and more.

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